The Bradbury Gallery

I am delighted to say that I have been exhibiting some of my work in The Bradybury Gallery in Dunlaoghaire.I was part of the Christmas Market alongside some wonderful crafts people and artists. I have been enjoying making new connections and most of all new friends and experiances,

I love the vibes in the gallery which was started by artist Steve Bradbury in 2023 and has been going well in the heart of Dunlaoghaire.

Its an artist run gallery with a supportive and encouraging etos. Steve and the team of artists have been so refreshing and so much fun. I have stayed in gallery with my work and meeting customers and selling my prints and look forward to selling my orginals that are now at the front of the gallery on view as people come through the door.

I hope this new opprotunity and being apart of this community at the gallery continues for along time. I am so excited to be involved and helping with the events that have been planned for the coming months such as Valentines workshops. Exciting times ahead!
