ArtSource 2024

Finally sitting down after a few mad busy months of family life and art life. The show in the RDS seems like a lifetime ago but only a few months. I really put so much into working on new work for the show .

My show piece was a special painting of a garden that nature took back. You can see this above. I was delighted to show my Cornfield painting it was receive very well.

I also painted magpies that was somewhat a marmite for people . Some people loved or didnt!

Magpies!! yes I painted magpies a few small paintings of these iconic birds. I had a year of magpies you could say,sorrow ,joy and everything from the poem. One for sorrow two for joy three for a girl and so on…

The show wasnt as busy as the year before but I met some lovely customers and sold a few nice paintings and prints. My biggest painting sold the cornfield painting is now hanging in its new home. I was trilled to deleiver it.

Thank you to my wonderful supportive hubby and all my neoghbour artists. I am working on a few commisions and look forward to 2025 and hopefully Artsource again in november 2025.


The Bradbury Gallery


Dunlaoghaire Outdoor Exhibition